build.settings example for bundle identification - HELP!

I am trying to build an app with the Corona Simulator "Build for iOS" and I keep getting this warning:

"This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed, followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier"

I have this in my build.settings file:

iphone =
plist =

CFBundleIdentifier = "com.staytoooned.CaseyBella"


How can I fix this??

Please help!!!

Someone please help me!!!!


I have the exact same problem, have you figured out how to fix this?

It seems the community is not really active and where are the support team? It's been a month since you last reply and I am quite disappointed to see that no one is helping.

This is a VERY serious problem, I mean, you can not build with your own bundle identifier? They should really address this problem, at least let us know they are working on it!!!!!!

I'm still having this problem with an upgrade that was previously written using XCode. I ported the app to Corona and now I want to upgrade it, but i can't because of this error. Did you fix your problem. Can someone help us? Thanks!

I contacted the support team by email and solved the problem, you have to create a distribution provisioning with your app's bundle identifier instead of using the wildcard provisioning. Also, you are not supposed to change the bundle identifier in the build.settings file.

Hope this helps.

Thanks! That worked. I hope they document that for others who are dealing with this:)

Yes, it would be great if they can document that, could be very useful for people who move from Xcode to Corona.

info987: "you have to create a distribution provisioning with your app's bundle identifier instead of using the wildcard provisioning"

thanks, that helps a lot!

I was building with a team provisioning profile and with that I had problems to configure GameCenter via OpenFeint.
I was getting the error "This game is not recognized by Game Center" --- bummer.

But once I created a unique profile for that game, GC (sandbox) worked like a charm. -- WIN!

Can anyone please clarify what this mean and provide a step-by-step instruction?

"you have to create a distribution provisioning with your app's bundle identifier instead of using the wildcard provisioning"

I went to create an Ad Hoc provisioning but when I tried to use the bundle ID in the profile name, it says I can only use alpha and numbers so I guess that's not the right place.


Hey all,

I have no idea why this wasn't responded to back when it was active, I'm sorry to see that. (I suspect it was because this was during a time there were far less staff focused on the forum - I hope it wouldn't happen now.)

Apologies for that.

@iolo72, you know how when you go to build for the App Store you create a new provisioning profile where you select your APP ID and choose "App Store"? Do it that way only pick "Ad Hoc" instead.

The CF bundle ID you get when you are creating the App ID and choose com.yournameorwebsite.AppNameHere

That's all you need :)

There are more recent threads discussing how to do this in detail if you still have any issues.

Peach :)

Hi, Peach.
Thanks for the info.
One thing I want to add to that is that it will only work on non-jailbroken units.
I did all that and still was getting the Game Center message until I restored the phone and eveyrthing worked fine.
Thanks again!

Oh I'm sorry - I didn't realize you were using a JB device - glad it's sorted now, anyway :)

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