Low-Res Font?


It looks like there's a problem with the SDK, where fonts appear to be lower-resolution than they ought to be.

On the left, it shows the Corona Simulator with a grey button and a text object sitting on top of it.

On the right, I have a mock-up for my app loaded in Fireworks with the same thing -- a grey button and a text object on top of it. (I exported the grey button image for use my app, but wanted to use Corona's built-in features to generate the text for the buttons.)

As you can see, the resolution of the font seems really low. Anyone have any idea why this might be?

Hmmmm.... I was under the impression that they were going to basically make Jon Beebe's Retina Text Function the default. I don't see why not, it works flawlessly.

I guess you have to add require "widget" to use it?

Near the bottom he gives a segment of code to add to main.lua. No need to do the require he mentions in the first post.

views:1498 update:2011/9/27 18:14:54
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