Some text objects are ~10 pixels higher on Android simulator than they are on the device

I'm doing my development on a windows machine, targeting both android and iOS. One other member of my team has a Macbook, so he does the iOS builds, and device testing for apple products. I do device testing on Android devices.

I wrote everything using the Android simulator on my windows machice - aligning text fields, art, etc. Some (but not all) of my text fields are mis-aligned when I run the game on devices - left/right alignment is fine, but vertical alignment is about 10 pixels too low.

Frustratingly, I noticed yesterday that the teammate with a Macbook sees text in the lower position in the Corona simulator. So he sees exactly what ends up on devices, but the Corona simulator on Windows appears to display some text objects a bit too high.

I'm not sure what is different about the text objects which have alignment problems - the text they display is usually just a single digit like "0" or "3" - it could be the shortness, or the lack of alphabetic characters, or maybe the fact that these objects are very close to the bottom of the screen?

Is this a known issue? I've tried forum searches, but haven't found anyone else complaining of simulator differences between Mac and PC.

views:1261 update:2011/9/27 18:14:54
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