Bubble Ball 2 a copy right infringement

I thought I post it here, maybe the guy, who created Bubble Ball will read it here.


I would contact Apple about this, because he obviously tries to confuse players letting them believe that this is the sequel to Bubble Ball and sells the game for 99 cents.

His username on these forums is NayGames. It's unfortunate that someone so young has to be involved in something like this. Get Apple to pull this app immediately and put a suspension on this developers account.

I sent a message to him via his website and referenced this thread Hunnenkoenig.

I wonder how many copies he sold since Feb 3rd stealing the fame from NayGames. This is wrong in so many ways. Not only did this person steal the name and trying to make money from "Bubble Ball" but his game actually sucks and got bad ratings. This will affect NayGames if robert decides to come out with Bubble Ball 2 in the future.

Attention Michael Sayman, do the right thing, take down your game and change the name. You will ruin your reputation if you continue to go down this road.


Robert (NayGames): Famous 15 year old kid who made Bubble Ball with millions of downloads

Michael Sayman: Infamous 13 year old kid who stoled the name in order to hopefully increase sales.

Is that what you would want to be known for?


Thanks aaaron.

He doesn't seem doing too well with it, because his ratings are not really good (but also not the wors)

If you look at appannie, who this Sayman guy is, you will see, that he does this a long time already


He has pulled (or was made to pull) many apps, which were already copyright infringements.

That makes it apparent that copyright infringers aren't made to payback ill gotten profits... making it quite a racket. Make a ripoff game called "Tiny Wiings", get 10'000 downloads from buyers mistaking your garbage for the real game before Apple and Andreas shut you down, but oh look, $7'000 in your pocket.

I'm also amazed that Apple would keep approving the infringer's games, when they're blatantly obvious and especially after they have already had to pull games from a person has a history of attempting this stuff.

Wow, didn't know he had so many apps that were pulled. Our lawyer has contacted him and apple about a week ago, but nothing has happened yet. If he's had a lot of apps that have already had copyright info, maybe we'll be a little more, well, aggressive. :-)

I don't care so much right now about his app doing well (or not so well), I just want him to learn a lesson that he can't do this. It just makes me wonder why he would even think it's ok to do this...

We found out about him because he started following our twitter (www.twitter.com/naygamesllc), and his latest tweet was about bubble ball 2.

Unbelievable that this developer has had 12 of his 16 apps pulled from the app store so far and yet they keep approving his apps. I somehow doubt he really is 13. Just seems convenient that Robert Nay was 14 when he released Bubble Ball so he has to 1 up him by being a year younger.

It's crazy, imo. I'm going to let the legal people battle this out, I'd much rather be making my next app than doing this. :-)

Wow! Outrageous!!


I see they changed the name to "Bubble Bounce". Hopefully we will be seeing a real Bubble Ball 2.

Well i played it and it doesnt seem anything like bubble ball. And robert may I ask how long it took to make Bubble ball.

Thanks myles

Good Catch Hunn. I love how the forums look out for one another!!!

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