My first app available on the App Store

My first app was excepted by Apple today, just a basic app that does card and number tricks.

Congratulations! It feels good to ship doesn't it :D

Thank you, took only 13 days to get approved. Already working on the next app. First one was to mainly learn lua and Corona.



love the card shuffling animations :).

Thank you, once I finish the app I am working on right now, going to go back and change some things to improve some of the tricks. I know a little more now the more I use lua/Corona.

How many downloads have you had so far? I like to see things like that :) Great app by the way! Real interesting!

For your next update, you should offer the "how we did it" phase. And show the tricks, or teach others in real life how to do it if possible!

Already working on it. Going to release with how the tricks are done when I finish the app I am working on now which is a physics game. When I release it, it will be a full rewrite because there are things that I know now how to do better now. Each day I learn some new things with lua/Corona.

congrats, looking forward to your next project

How many downloads so far?

Last time I checked it was like 137

Holy crap dude that's awesome! Great job!

views:1399 update:2011/9/23 13:36:35
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