I found a TrueType font I was able to get to work on both the simulator and on my iPad. But the vertical position of the lettering (on a button) is off by several pixels. I didn't see this problem with the built-in fonts. It's frustrating to have to do multiple builds/installs of an app onto my iPad to get the adjustment correct. Fyi, the font I was working with is called GrilledCheeseBTN.ttf A side question... is it only TrueType fonts that can be used as custom fonts? If so, I didn't see any mention of that. I actually tried it with some TT fonts (older ones? without the .ttf extension) and couldn't get them to show up on the device. It's not just custom fonts; try ArialRoundedMTBold. This frustrating bug has been around a while because it's not a show-stopper:
views:2736 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
If I stop audio with audio.stop() I hear an ugly scratch sound from the iPad2 speakers. Same thing happens with headphones as well. I don't hear it with older builds so something must have changed in the Corona audio system. The weird thing is I hear the scratch only in iPad2 not in iPad. Also, I can't hear the scratch in the simulator. Does anyone have similar issue? This is keeping me from releasing my game. I forgot to mention that this problem doesn't exists on my iPad1 which has an old iOS. My iPad2 has iOS5 so maybe that's the problem... Simple workaround is to fade out before stopping. I'm not aware of this specific problem, however there are some really bad bugs in iOS 5.0. This could be another one or a side effect of one of the others. Since you don't have this problem on your other device, this is an Appl...
views:2464 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Hi, Not sure if this is a bug or a casualty of the fact that Corona has no control over the havoc native alerts can wreak. When a native alert is called within a local function inside main.lua, which is referred to by my ui.newButton's onEvent parameter, the instant "overtaking" of the app's ability to govern itself by the native alert causes my ui.newButton object to misbehave... by this I mean that the "over" image is not made invisible--it remains after the alert is dismissed. And worse, the button somehow retains focus, so that a press anywhere on the screen causes the button to behave as if it was pressed. Anyone else run into this? I solved this battle between the native alert call and the will of my button's onEvent function by making my native alert call via a timer.performWithDelay(100,showAlert,1) line within said onEvent function. Now, that's kind of a kludge. But it worked. Interestingly enough, (but it ma...
views:2537 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I've got native.newVideo working with a timeline scrubber. I use video:seek to scrub through the video, then hit video:play or video:pause to start and stop playback. This works until I reach the end of the video. After playing all the way to the end of the video, I can still video:seek, but when I then call video:play, the video jumps to the beginning instead of playing from the video:seek point. (I can seek immediately after the play, but often the first frames of the video are briefly visible.) What's happened? Does the video change state once it has played to the end?...
views:2744 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Setting the fill color on an image in an event does not change the fill color, unless you change another property that forces it to update. Vector display objects do update fill color normally 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 local defaultColor = {255,255,255,255 } local touchColor =  {255,100,100,255
views:2802 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
here is the code that replicates problem http://pastebin.com/LwaDd8uu in this code, 3 crates are stacked. initially you see each crate is stacked correctly. once crates are removed, physics is paused and added new crates after starting physics crates are not stacked properly. they get displaced. sequence is physics start -> stack crates -> remove crates -> pause physics-> start physics -> stack crates (just move x-position by 10 pixels compared to previous crates position) -> crates get displaced if I do the same operation and use stop physics instead of pause physics crates stacked properly. problem is physics.stop() function causing game to crash often, game got low ratings because of this crash.
views:3130 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
What am I doing wrong with this? require "sprite" local Die = {} local Dice = sprite.newSpriteSheet("Dice.png",48,48) local test = sprite.newspriteSheet local DieCube = sprite.newSpriteSet(Dice,1,6) sprite.add(DieCube,"SixNum",1,6,100,9999) --local Die1 = sprite.newSprite(DieCube) --local Die2 = sprite.newSprite(DieCube) for i=1,6 do local Die[i] = sprite.newSprite(DieCube) Die[i].x=(60*i) Die[i].y=100 + math.random(50) end --Die1.x=100 --Die1.y=100 -- Die2.x=200 -- Die2.y=100 local Roll = function( event ) if (event.phase == "ended") then for i=1, 6 do Die[i].currentFrame = math.random(6) end end end Runtime:addEventListener( "touch", Roll ) The error message I get is unexpected symbol near '[' on the line local 'Di...
views:2452 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Hi all, i'm new here. I would like to know if theres any visual IDE for Corona SDK. I did some google search and found this link about SpriteDeck. http://blog.anscamobile.com/2011/01/third-party-tools-for-corona-sdk-spritedeck/ But when I go to SpriteDeck.com, the site itself is gone. Is there any other alternatives? I came from Adobe Flex background and I felt dependant on a visual IDE. Thank you Hi itcraps, have a look at this, one of the best out there. views:2656 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
can anyone tell me why my apps list on android market have corona logo? on the android market listings, my apps's icon is Corona LOGO! can i replace it ? did you include your own logo in the root of your project before you build? like Icon Icon-mdpi Icon-hdpi Icon-ldpi hi, i put all the icon on the root, so i don't know why ? Do you use Corona project manager? If you do and built from there you also must include them with your corona project manager folder...
views:2563 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I have two questions that have bothering me for a while. I use the following code which was supplied by Ansca with cameras. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 local bkgd = display.newRect( 0, 0, display.stageWidth, display.stageHeight ) bkgd:setFillColor( 128, 0, 0 )   local text = display.newText( "Tap anywhere to launch Camera", views:2715 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
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